
Showing posts from January, 2022

General Medicine pratical case 10/01/2022

A case came to casuality with c/o fever since 3 days  SOB grade 2----> 4 since 2 days  LL swelling and redness since 1 day. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back and then he developed fever which was low grade, intermittent, relieved ontaking medication and not associated with chills and rigor. He has SOB, No orthopnea or PND or pedal edema or chest pain or palpitations. He applied ointment for leg pain over right foot and later he developed redness and swelling over right foot and with these complaints they went to outside hospital and on presentation to the outside hospital vitals spO2-74% on RA with BP 70/40. He was put on CPAP and inotrope support and reffered to our hospital General Examination: Patient is C/C/C No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy, edema Vitals: Temp - 100 F PR- 104 bpm BP- 100/70mmHg RR- 28 cpm SpO2- 97% at RA CVS: S1 S2 + RS: Decreased BAE  B/l crepts present in IAA and ISA P/A: soft and non tender Limb...