
Showing posts from November, 2021

1st internal assesment

Q2) what is myxedema coma ?describe its clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of myxedema coma . diagnosis:blood samples sent for T3 T4 TSH levels  . in hypothyroidism T3 T4 levels are decreased  TSH levels are increased. Adrenal insuffiency should be ruled out through the tests . Hypothermia is a feature of myxedema coma and helps as a clinical diagnostic point. Treatment: thyroxine 300ug is given in infusion over 5 to 10min followed by 100ug every day till the patient is alert and normal. Hydrocortisone 100ug is given if there is adrenal insuffiency .hydrocortisone is given 8hrly till the levels are increased and normal. Q1) define bone density, how it is measured?what are the causes ,clinical features ,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis diagnosis: dexa scan for measurement of  bone